2.] The challenge that the penguins go through each and every day is the weather. Some days it could get even at the -80's ! Some other days they don't get sunlight ! So it was like a 24 hours days ! Ohhhhhhh :) and another challenge that they face is the predators ! Penguins have to be really careful specially because almost all the predators are fast and penguins aren't !
3.] In order for the penguins to be safe they have to get in a get in a big group, that will keep them safer, warmer, and it's harder for a predators to get them.
4.] There are some days where there is no sunlight because the Earth is tilted and it's orbiting or rotating.
___ - When ii qqrow up iim qqannahh adoppt a liil' peenguiin ! :) & hiis namee iis qqannahh be Sammii ! ;)