Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diana V. 7 2011

What does the word ''teamwork'' mean to you?
New York city!
P.S. 112
P.S. 150
P.S. 115
some kids; Ronnie, Michael, Tara, John, Mohammed, Taha, Tracy, Amber, Jatanna, Jonathan
Dance merenge.
Argentina Tango.
PS 11

PS 114

OMG .! THEY WON..!!! YEY,.,.,.,.,!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY ...!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Diana V. 6 2011

Math games:

This game is called ''Mathman2'' I played this game because it's just cool, and it's about math.
To play this game go to -->

This game is called ''Crazy Taxi M-12'' I like played this game because is about factors and multiples and we are learning about this right know in math, so this game is going to help me in math for this lesson. I really think that this is like the coolest game ever. HA no not really but yea is cool. If you have truble on math well factors and multiples I recomend this game to you. You are really going to learn and you will have fun playing it to.
To play this game go to -->

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Diana V. 5 2011

Guess what people?! Our teacher was not in school today . So we had an other teacher. We played two games. The games were so cool, awesome, and fun. Now I will tell you about the games. The first game that we played is called; J. Lo Fur Bully on the Block. In this game we haded to get every animal that was there (in the place). But J.Lo is there and we do not have to let her see the character when he is getting the animal. We moved the little character with the arrow keys, and to get the animals you have to press the space bar. Well the truth is that I didn't gt what was the social issue of the game. :) Yea I know is so funny but is the true. The second game is called; Super Chick Sisters. I really like this game because is so fun. You have to move the chiken with the arrow keys. And you have to press the space bar to jump. You have to pass every level to go and find the prinsses. This game shows how well not how bt the porpus of this game is that there are diffrent ways that people kill animals. This game is my favorite game from both of those games. :) Oh and I like this game more because Mario & Luigi. :)! ! !

Monday, February 7, 2011

Diana V. 4 2011

I had learned alot of things. Like

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Diana V. 3.2011

The Wizard

At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is walking down the highway. Where is he going?
Hes is going to California.

What is the problem that the little boy, Jimmy, has?
Jimmy is like that because hes sister died.

Jimmy likes to stack and build things. How does this relate to video games?
Jimmy likes to play games because when ever some one has past through some thing like this they don't want to do nothing.

Playing video games seems to help Jimmy feel better. Why do you think this is?
I think that its like that because that was the only thing that he wanted to do. He started playing video games sence his sister died.

What makes him such an awesome video game player?
Jimmy is an awesome player because he has practice alot. And because that was the almost the only thing that he did.

What kinds of games do you see being played? Have you ever played any games like this before? Yes. I have played tha mario game. And I love it, its like so awesome and cool.

How many different game systems do you see in the film?
I really didn't count them.

What did you think about the Power Glove?
I think that is really cool, and it will be really heard to use it.