I think that the prototype that Alexis, Francisco, Jonathan, Aleida and me did was good. Not that good that we say so but yea it was good. I think that it was not that good because it did not had a lot of math in the game. Well in the game it did, but in the prototype it did not. That was because we did not know how to put it in their. But other then that I did like it. I did had fun doing the prototype because my group was shearing ideas we wore working all together and some time we wore all laughing for no reason. Oh and some time when we wore doing the prototype we laugh because some of our drawing came out funny. Some times it was hard but at last we knew how to figrate out. I did understend the importance of it but not that much. Because I did understand that we had to do that like we wore going to want our game look like and that we had to incorporate math on it. About objective 2.
For me to work in a team was good. Because I think that when you work on a time you can shear your ideas more, and you can express your self more, then when you work by your self. When I worked with my group I learned thinks about them, they're ideas, mmmmmm how they wanh they're game , and how created they are. I did like my team because they wore shearing theirs ideas, we worked as team, and we wore
helping each other. But their was a thing that I did not like about our game that was that Jonathan, and Aleida wore not participatin. They wore but Alexis, Fransisco and me wore helpin our team. Or doing all the work.
I think that if Miss. Miller kips us like this, in our groups for the remanding of the year,we will raecer up our grades more fast, and we will learn more new thing more easy.
I like your blog its verry serios.