Tsunami Hit Japan :( !!!
W-O-W '! Did you herd about what happen in Japan? [THE TSUNAMI THAT HIT JAPAN] I feel SO bad for what happen in Japan. But yeah, I guess that that happen because of us. We are the ones that pollute the planet, and yeah well don't take care of it. But well any ways, I feel like SO bad'! But like I can't imagen how they feel'! I like the fact that schools are trying to help Japan-the people with; food, cloth, and other needed things. I will like our school to do something for them too. Oh well like whenever something bad happens in the world no matter in what place in the world us to help them. It is really sad, like in the moment that the tsunami hit in Japan we were over here laughing, happy, oh well yeah I think you get it, we didn't know what was happining. :(
I got the picture on the top from;
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